I lost ...

But won at the same time

I wanted to do the “30 threads for 30 days” challenge but as you can see here, I lost my streak…

And burned out ☠️

14 days straight of writing a thread daily

I felt I’m forcing it … going against my workflow to put together a thread.

I experienced anxiety that I have to do this every single day till I couldn’t anymore and took a break afterwards.

Big part of the problem was the lack of a system to write threads. I didn’t block specific time in my calendar … so I was thinking all day about the thread I should write and how to write it.

This is terrible if you ask me … If you think about multiple things at the same time - you won’t ever do them properly.

Nevertheless, the break helped me rethink and internalize the knowledge I had collected but didn’t apply.

It lasted for 4 days and helped me recharge. Now I lean more towards trial and error … a step closer to end my perfectionism (hopefully).

The past week was great. I tried storytelling and got amazing results … people told me the story was too emotional (even tho it’s in a negative sense).

I plan on continuing it till the end. It gave me experience on how to add emotions to my writing…

Which will help me write more authentic tweets. I treated tweets like stuff to fill the gap while others went viral with them.

That’s why I need to invest more time to fine tune my tweets.

I’m currently working on some changes with my brand … I’ll be sure to keep you updated!

Till then … have a great day!