I'm not Ace

I'm Ahmad Maher

I stopped posting on twitter for some time weeks ago because I was burned out. I had the “30 threads in 30 days“ challenge in my mind to prove consistency … maybe to myself.

I went without systems in place to write content. It was a bit chaotic … Obsessed with overthinking and daydreaming … thinking about the perfect content that will get tons of engagement…

It was all wrong.

I posted the tip of writing down your thoughts and ideas many times now … but I didn’t apply it properly myself … Yes, I’m fake … But happy that I was part of creator economy on money twitter. People here are supportive and welcoming … they inspire me every day through my journey of self discovery and improvement.

I also told others that I’m trying to perfect my twitter management system … I have 2 takes here

  1. It was wrong trying to “perfect“ it … I often fall to perfectionism.

  2. I’ve been procrastinating using excuses rather than actually improving it.

I should just share the trial and error process with everyone … because I’m sick of just showing the end result without the actual path … many creators do that.

Trying to make it better behind the scenes to show the perfect version to others won’t change their lives. They don’t need another surface-level advice anymore.

I’ll write even if it didn’t resonate with others … I’ll write for my old self, hoping someone like me will find it useful … and maybe change his life.

I welcome you to another stage in my life … don’t feel obliged to follow along … It’s your choice after all.

If you aren’t interested anymore just click “unsubscribe“ at the end of this email.

I wish you a great day!

This time … I won’t use a fake name anymore (Ace)

… I’m Ahmad Maher.