You didn't waste your life

I’ve been procrastinating a lot through my life … Always feeling I can do even more … Didn’t feel I achieved anything … Feeling I wasted all these years…

But I didn’t waste any years … I tried and experienced the life I didn’t want …

So I can get to the life I want.

I’ve been through a lot … Learning more about tech … meeting great people … having great friends I feel I don’t deserve … Having a nice caring family that want me to be the best version of myself, even tho I don’t like how they exaggerate about it.

Finally … I feel better writing this email to you … I don’t feel forced anymore … experiencing at least a bit of what a personal brand is.

It’s about me any my journey sharing it with you … packed with mistakes and trials to help you through your own life.

Life is about sharing knowledge, so others can build upon it.

We will eventually die … so we better share it with others.

Until next time…